BIG BONED... maybe you've said this
or heard someone say it?
Your bones are proportionate to your height.
Therefore, there will be a difference in bone weight between a
5ft female and a 6ft 8 guy.
However... your bone structure has no direct relation to how
your body stores fat, that’s predisposed by your genetics.
It amazes me how many people believe that they are overweight/prone to storing fat because they are “bigger boned”...
bigger boned isn’t a thing.
Let's compare two clients [both male]
Client 1: 6ft and has a BMI of 24 and weighs in at 90kg.
Client 2: 6ft and has a BMI of 34 and weighs in at 115kg.
Consider for 1-second that additional 25kg that client 2 holds doesn't come from BIG BONES.
even if the client 2 was taller... say 6ft 6". That additional 6 inch doesn't equate to any major shift in weight.
Of course, their body composition is predetermined by their skeletal structure, but your body fat mass isn’t related to your bone structure.